Performance Standardbreds
Discover the Best Kept Secret...

Celebrating over 30 years of setting a new standard...
What does it mean to be a member ?
Becoming a member not only supports the association monetarily towards functions for our membership , but also allows us to be visible at promotional events and functions to educate and demonstrate the virtues of the Standardbred. Your membership provides both opportunity and input into how our breed is best portrayed to the public
Horses currently in the placement program are regularly maintained including deworming, farrier, dental, and vaccinations. Your money also helps to offset some of these expenses in conjunction with fundraising efforts.

What are the benefits to becoming a member ?
Our committee offers a variety of educational clinics and horse events throughout the year, where our members will receive preferred pricing every time. As a member you also have the opportunity to attend our Annual General Meeting where we discuss our objectives and fundraising ideas for each upcoming year.
What are the costs associated?
A Full Membership costs $25.00 per year and entitles each member to vote and reduced rates at educational or training events.
A Performance Plus/Supporter Non-Voting Membership costs $20.00 per year and works the same as a basic donation. You get all the perks of a full membership, save for the ability to vote.
A Family Membership costs $40.00 per year and entitles each member to the same privileges as a Full Membership, for two or more members in the same household.
How do I join?
It’s very easy! Please fill out these forms to become a member or to volunteer
How can I pay?
We accept PayPal , and e-transfer to performancestandardbreds.org@gmail.com
We can also accept a credit card through Jane's handy new square! Call Jane direct at 403-809-8462
Entitles member to reduced rates at educational or training events

Basic Donation : Same as full member without voting privileges

Same as full membership. For 2 or more in same family.