Performance Standardbreds
Discover the Best Kept Secret...

Celebrating over 30 years of setting a new standard...

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Performance Standardbreds was established in 1990 by a few Standardbred enthusiasts who realized the animal’s enormous potential use for riding or driving. As an organization our focus is and always has been to support and promote the Standardbred horse and those that are lucky enough to own them. The Standardbred is one of the most versatile breeds by far. Did you know that by age three, there are many already starting their second careers? Throughout their early years, the foundation was established and now it’s onwards and upwards for these athletic, sturdy, sensible, beautiful horses who's hearts are (virtually)bigger than their bodies. Standardbreds participate in jumping, dressage, endurance and competitive trail, just to name a few – there really is no limit to what you or they can accomplish together. Performance Standardbreds promotes the breed in a new and positive light. Recognizing the potential and the need to give these horses, that are no longer able to race, new careers
About Us...
New Series!

Now free for everyone !
A series of topics of interest for all Standardbred owners and enthusiasts. Q & A will be included for subsequent segments by contacting us after the preview announcement is made.
Email your ? to performancestandardbreds.org@gmail.com or comment in the post on our facebook page.
Watch this page or our Facebook page to see more
Episode #3 "Ask An Equine Nutritionist"

Now Playing !
In episode #3 we interview Brittany Davis MSc, PAS of Davis Equine to discuss a variety of topics with respect to Equine Nutrition.
If you have an OTTSB, are a breeder or trainer or rehabbing a rescue type , there is something of interest for everyone.
Featured Placement Horse
Soverato aka Saul
First day of freedom!

We welcomed many visitors to our booth at this years Expo , held April 26-28, 2024 in Red Deer, Alberta. It's always wonderful to speak to current and past owners as well as those curious about the breed.
We will attend next year April 25 to 27,2025 and will include some live sessions on starting the off the track Standardbred . Anyone interested in participating with a demo horse is welcome to contact us at
for futher info.
We also welcome those wanting to volunteer some booth time!

New Series for Training Help!
The first instalment of this series can be viewed on our FB page and includes bio's of our training mentors.
The series will continue for PS members only on a private members page. Members can ask questions and submit their own video's with current issues they would like help resolving.

Ask the Expert
Watch previous episodes here!
Episode #3 Ask An Equine Nutritionist

Gymkhana Series
Open to all P.S. members
Have some fun with your Standardbred and collect points towards our High Point Award for this friendly competition.
For further info. and registration form please contact Chelsea - cjchase@live.com OR

Become a PS member and get our preferred rate at upcoming clinics! The group has three or four clinics a year , including or in addition to those below.
Saddle fitting or Stretching and Core Exercises - If you would like to host a clinic at your facility or attend one hosted by us all proceeds will benefit horses in the placement program. Check out the posters below and we can plan your clinic!
Check out the Events Page Now! (Go to our Membership Page to join now!)